The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the school year is wrapped up, and the chaos is beginning… can you guess what season is here? 😆
We know summer can be overwhelming as a parent. And we also know there are seasons when life feels busy or family time feels hard. While this video (the one we shared above) shows us having fun as a family, it was not always this way.
We used to think of our blended family of six as a “blendered” family. It was messy and hard.
So our challenge to you is this: make space for fun together as a family this summer (even when it doesn’t come naturally). Find LITTLE ways to laugh and play as a family consistently.
When you and your kids have fun together, you are creating a safe place in your family for them to experience joy, laughter and connection.
Kerry here! If “family fun” isn’t always fun… you’re not alone. TBH, we used to have “Forced Family Fun”. My partner and I had to brace ourselves before announcing the fun activity that was planned. The kids protested and complained. And yet…. Once we got rolling, they all ended up having fun at some point during the activities. If we had let the ‘tween and teens’ complaints lead the way, we never would have been able to build a history of having fun times together. Now? They show up when there’s a family activity and we actually do have fun! No more forcing. Phew.
If you need some inspiration for family fun this summer, we have a free list of 20 ideas for you below 😊☀️

We used to think of our blended family of six as a “blendered” family. It was messy and hard.
So our challenge to you is this: make space for fun together as a family this summer (even when it doesn’t come naturally). Find LITTLE ways to laugh and play as a family consistently.
When you and your kids have fun together, you are creating a safe place in your family for them to experience joy, laughter and connection.
Kerry here! If “family fun” isn’t always fun… you’re not alone. TBH, we used to have “Forced Family Fun”. My partner and I had to brace ourselves before announcing the fun activity that was planned. The kids protested and complained. And yet…. Once we got rolling, they all ended up having fun at some point during the activities. If we had let the ‘tween and teens’ complaints lead the way, we never would have been able to build a history of having fun times together. Now? They show up when there’s a family activity and we actually do have fun! No more forcing. Phew.
If you need some inspiration for family fun this summer, we have a free list of 20 ideas for you below 😊☀️