Free Resources
For Divorce Professionals

Creed For Divorce

Principles of conduct for professionals

Creed For Divorcing

Principles of conduct for parents

ACEs Information

Essential Information for Divorcing Parents

Does Unresolved Parental
Conflict Really Hurt Kids?

Yes it does!

¿ El Conflicto Parental No Resuelto
Realmente Lastima a Los Niños ?

Sí - Sí Los Lastima!

– Stay In The Loop –

Stay in the Loop About Our Upcoming Divorce Classes


Kerry and Palmer are currently creating a course for divorcing parents. This list will notify you with any updates to their work to help support divorce professionals and divorcing parents. 

Joining this list does not commit you to anything. It’s just our way of keeping you and other divorce professionals in the loop about how we can all best support the families we work with. 


Learn More About
The Connected Family

Welcome to The Connected Family. We’re a mother-son duo collaborating to help you navigate your kids’ tricky teen years and create a close, connected family where everyone feels loved, known, and honored. A family where your grown kids want to come home for the holidays.

Kerry Stutzman

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Parentologist and Parent Coach for 25+ years

Palmer Skudneski

Youth Vision Coach and Northwestern University Masters in Family Therapy Graduate Candidate

Offerings For Parents,
Teens and Families

Individual and Family Therapy

Work individually with Kerry or her team to create more connection in your family.

Tween and Teen Coaching

Have your kiddo work individually with Palmer to navigate the road ahead. 


Parent Coaching Group

Kerry and Palmer’s signature offering for parents of tweens and teens.

Public Speaking and Workshops

Kerry and Palmer share too-real stories and proven parenting skills that foster closeness. 

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