Parents, all I can say is “Wow, now I get it.”

Palmer here.  If you’re a parent who keeps your family’s holiday ship afloat I want to make sure you hear this: THANK YOU ❤️ My wife and I were talking about how we only now have realized how much work it took for our parents to make the holidays happen. You parents somehow find a […]

Meaningful Thanksgiving with Tweens and Teens

Kerry here. I hate to admit how many dinner conversations with my gaggle of five teenage boys have felt like I was sitting at the filming of a banal sitcom spoken in the language of “Teen,” where I recognized the words spoken but the way they used them made no sense! ???? I also admit […]

What is the strongest part of your family?

If you want to do something for your kids, do something to improve your marriage.” Dear Friend,15 years into my friend’s marriage, the relationship was no picnic. Being absorbed in the craziness of raising three kids, running their own businesses, and maintaining a household got the best of them. They had nothing left over for each other […]

It’s the journey, not the destination

Palmer here! Recently, while talking with some of my teen coaching clients about school starting, they have shared what “success” looks like for themselves. Most of the time, they start with answers like “great grades,” lots of friends, top of their sports teams, etc. While I hope they can achieve those goals, I encourage much more focus […]

Back to School Blues: Balancing Acts, Emotions, and Coffee Breaks.

How are you feeling this back to school season? It can be such a mix of joy, sadness, gratitude and worry as we send our kids back to school. We love watching them grow and enter into new seasons of life… that’s what we want for them! But it can also be hard to let […]


Back to school time already? I’m not sure how this happened. What if I’m not ready to send my sweet stepdaughter off to Oregon? What if I don’t want to move my youngest son back to Boulder? Oh, right. Sometimes I forget. Our kids don’t wait for us to be ready. Life keeps marching on. […]

Teens and tweens can be so many things

Since the emergence oTweens, teens and twenty somethings can be so many things. Some of those “things” can drive us nuts. But one of those “things” they can be is: FUN! FULL OF LIFE! They can be happy and vibrant and full of life and enthusiasm. Their laughter and happiness can be contagious. Last week […]

Finding our ‘why’ at The Connected Family

I recently worked with a mom and her high school son who were struggling with their relationship. The mom was fed up with her son’s messes, his weed use, how he treated his little sister, and his disrespect. The son was fed up with his mom blowing up, her forcing him to have conversations when […]

A mother’s love isn’t always logical.

Palmer here! This email is in celebration of those extra special rockstars we call mothers. I wanted to write this one because, as you probably know by now, I had an interesting relationship with my mom growing up. Now being where I am at age 25, I have a number of thoughts I hope all moms […]

Reclaiming Myself to Bring out the Best in Your Kids

“Losing myself” and “reclaiming myself.” These are the four words I jotted in my journal recently while pondering my 10,000th day of mothering. I remembered a journal entry from one frustrating morning when my oldest two sons were one and four: “I’ve lost an important part of myself. I love my little boys with all […]