Happy Sunday you wonderful human!

Happy Sunday, you wonderful human!Palmer here! I’m writing this at 3am because jet lag is not taking it easy on me 😅 and I can’t get this one thought out of my head. You may know but my mom and I, along with our spouses, were just in Japan to speak at the International Family […]

Hold space, don’t carry the weight

After raising six kids, five of whom are boys, three of whom have ADHD, I could fill many pages with stories of their actions that left me feeling…

Please tell me that I’m not the only one.

Kerry here. I keep thinking I’m just about to feel inspired to eat cleaner and get up early enough to work out more often. Heck, maybe if I wait long enough, I’ll FEEL like doing cold plunges, or at least cold showers, because they’re supposed to be good for me. I’m sure that if I […]

Let your light shine

Throughout the year, and especially in December, many of the world’s major religions observe holidays that incorporate the powerful symbolism of light: Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, embraces the light of hope, faith, resilience, tradition, and community. In the Christmas story, light transcends mere decoration, weaving together themes of hope, joy, spiritual renewal, and the transformative […]

An open heart during the holidays

Palmer here. Something I have always found interesting and special about the holiday season is that people’s hearts tend to be more open. They are willing to open up their schedule to volunteer for strangers. They donate more to those in need. They are open to going to church services. They are open to more family time. […]

Self-Therapy Technique for Staying Calmer

Kerry here. I’m up ridiculously early this morning. Sleep is a little fragile and I woke up stressed about all of my to-do’s. I wish I could say I’ve mastered the art of staying calm, but here I am…. Not Zen at this moment. If you can’t relate, you might as well just scoot on […]

Parents, all I can say is “Wow, now I get it.”

Palmer here.  If you’re a parent who keeps your family’s holiday ship afloat I want to make sure you hear this: THANK YOU ❤️ My wife and I were talking about how we only now have realized how much work it took for our parents to make the holidays happen. You parents somehow find a […]

Meaningful Thanksgiving with Tweens and Teens

Kerry here. I hate to admit how many dinner conversations with my gaggle of five teenage boys have felt like I was sitting at the filming of a banal sitcom spoken in the language of “Teen,” where I recognized the words spoken but the way they used them made no sense! ???? I also admit […]

What is the strongest part of your family?

If you want to do something for your kids, do something to improve your marriage.” Dear Friend,15 years into my friend’s marriage, the relationship was no picnic. Being absorbed in the craziness of raising three kids, running their own businesses, and maintaining a household got the best of them. They had nothing left over for each other […]