Have You Told Your Kids This Recently?

It’s Palmer today! The 2-3 hour windows of sleep I’ve been getting the last week or two have been a bit rough, so I’m going to keep this email simple and action-focused. I know it’s only been two weeks since I last wrote to you, but somehow, these last two weeks have felt like two months. I’ve missed thinking about […]

How to Stop Having the Same Argument

Do you find yourself having the same frustrating arguments with your kid or partner over and over? You know, the ones where you feel hurt or worried… something tender… but somehow spirals into defensiveness and anger on both sides. These repetitive fights remind me of long childhood bus rides. We’d belt out “100 Bottles of […]

How to Be the Parent Your Kids Need

ou got me today, Palmer… for the last week before I am officially a dad. Baby James is set to arrive on Tuesday, though given his head is the size of a bowling ball, he might take a few extra days. 😅 I’ve been going through quite the mental process in preparation for my sweet […]

Protect Your Peace

I was inspired by an article by motivational speaker and former NFL player Trent Shelton about how to protect our peace in a noisy world. He asserts that “protecting our peace isn’t a catch phrase but a lifeline in a world filled with noise and endless demands.” As I do with almost everything, I read his tips […]

The Key to Reaching Your Kids

Palmer’s turn for the Sunday email! I took the hint for what to write this week’s email about. Three different conversations with clients this week made one theme crystal clear: so much family conflict stems from kids feeling like they aren’t being heard by their parents. Let’s address a common objection upfront: kids say some […]

Being vs Doing: A Letter to My Younger Self

Kerry here! 😊 Walking through Hobby Lobby with my nine-day old baby in my arms, I was intent on getting supplies to make my dad a really cool sweatshirt for Father’s Day, which was just five weeks after my third son was born. A woman in the store heard my baby’s little newborn sounds and […]

Prioritize What Matters Most

You got me today…Palmer 🤗 I don’t know about you, but being intentional in life feels harder than it looks. Everywhere you turn, it’s “Just do X, and life will be great!” Whether it’s social media, magazines at the checkout line, or well-meaning advice, they make it sound so simple. I recently learned that the second Friday […]

A Simple Trick for Staying Calm During Holiday Family Time

Kerry here. 🙂 The holiday season brings extended family time, which can spark both joy and stress. With kids out of school and celebrations ahead, these mixed emotions are perfectly normal. Here’s a strategy for staying calm during challenging family moments: When my son Palmer was 15, his morning grumpiness would often affect our entire […]

Oh, Honey

Kerry here! The Sunday before Thanksgiving: it is game-on for moms. “Dreaded December” and “May Madness” – two months that I both loved and dreaded when my kids were home. I loved them for the fun and magic I created, but they were also the most stressful. Why? Because we moms bend over backwards to […]

Two Ways to Protect Your Kid’s Mental Health

Palmer here! I’m feeling fired up about kids’ mental health. My mom and I just got back from presenting at the AFCC (American Family Conciliation Court) conference in Columbus, Ohio, where we spoke to attorneys, judges, therapists, and psychologists from all over North America. We focused on how to protect children’s mental health during and […]