How my mom transformed my antics into teachable moments 🤔
Palmer here. Just about every kid needs discipline, but some kids NEED discipline. I was in the NEED boat as I was a kid who saw it as a challenge to break just about
Palmer here. Just about every kid needs discipline, but some kids NEED discipline. I was in the NEED boat as I was a kid who saw it as a challenge to break just about
Kerry here. I hate to admit how many dinner conversations with my gaggle of five teenage boys have felt like I was sitting at the filming of a banal sitcom
Palmer here! ???? I have a question for you. Can you think of a moment in your life that was a catalyst for your confidence? A moment where you thought
Eleven days ago, we posted a video about raising “that kid.” Typically, our posts get a couple hundred views, maybe 1,000 if we’re lucky. As of Saturday night, it has
If you want to do something for your kids, do something to improve your marriage.” Dear Friend,15 years into my friend’s marriage, the relationship was no picnic. Being absorbed in the
Palmer here! Tuesday was World Mental Health Day. I know that tweens and teens sometimes have a hard time letting their parents into their inner world. And that can be scary as
Dear Friend, Kerry here. 🙂 A few years ago, I gathered a team of high school and college students and we went out and interviewed teens about their relationships with their
Palmer here! Recently, while talking with some of my teen coaching clients about school starting, they have shared what “success” looks like for themselves. Most of the time, they start with
“Dear Kerry, I am in a really hard corner of parenting – my 13 year old daughter, who I have loved and adored since the day she was born –
How are you feeling this back to school season? It can be such a mix of joy, sadness, gratitude and worry as we send our kids back to school. We
Hear from Palmer and Kerry on Sunday mornings with stories from the heart, and thoughts about parenting teens, creating strong family relationships, and taking care of yourself in the process.
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