A Simple Trick for Staying Calm During Holiday Family Time

Kerry here. 🙂 The holiday season brings extended family time, which can spark both joy and stress. With kids out of school and celebrations ahead, these mixed emotions are perfectly normal. Here’s a strategy for staying calm during challenging family moments: When my son Palmer was 15, his morning grumpiness would often affect our entire […]

One Call Can Make All the Difference

Palmer here! I got a call yesterday that filled my heart with happiness 😊 It got me thinking about an often untapped super-ability parents can give their kids—or use themselves. The call was from a 22-year-old coaching client I’ve had the privilege of working with for the past four years. He called because he’d been […]

Two Ways to Protect Your Kid’s Mental Health

Palmer here! I’m feeling fired up about kids’ mental health. My mom and I just got back from presenting at the AFCC (American Family Conciliation Court) conference in Columbus, Ohio, where we spoke to attorneys, judges, therapists, and psychologists from all over North America. We focused on how to protect children’s mental health during and […]

Is Your Teen Living Their Best Life?

From what I can tell, there isn’t anything much more special than seeing your kid take ownership of their life, pouring themselves into passions fueled by their “why.” Watching teens create a resilient mind and pursue what lights them up is one of the greatest joys of my work. When they are younger seeing those […]

Navigating the School Year: A Parent’s Guide to Empowering Students

Back to School

I want you to imagine someone shows up at your door tomorrow and says you are going to do a 12 year long lecture series (K-12) where you go for 6-8 hours per day, have work to do in the evening after the lecture series for the following day’s lectures (homework), you don’t get paid […]

5 Ways to Connect with Your Teen

Palmer here… What an experience it is to have and be a teenager… I sometimes dream about soaking in the highs and lows that will come with having a teen one day and then think about what I put my mom through and get a little terrified because I was not great. 😅 Two things […]

Sending Love: A Simple Act with Lasting Impact 💕

Palmer here! I just ran across one of countless notes that my mom tucked under my pillow or into my backpack on some random day when I was in high school. Just recently, a good friend told me how each week, he writes three letters to different people in his life, telling each what he appreciates […]

When Your Kid’s Face No Longer Melts Your Heart: A Practice for Parents

The things I hear from parents about their ‘tweens and teens: “She can be so mean.” “When he’s in a bad mood, he dominates our family.” “ I love her but I don’t like being around her.” “I can’t stand how they talk to me.” “I’m embarrassed about how he acts and I worry what […]

The Power of a “Safe Haven Relationship”

Kerry here! Did you know renowned therapist Sue Johnson says adults have a fundamental need for “safe haven relationships?” This resonated deeply at the Attachment Theory conference I just attended. It perfectly captures the feeling every parent wants – to be that safe space for their child. Here are some practical tips I learned from various […]

How to get from “Don’t Therapize Me!” to Master’s Degree

Discovering your purpose in life and preparing for your future can be a daunting task, especially during the teenage years where everything can feel like it’s spiraling out of control. But what if we told you that there is hope, and that someday, you might even become the thing you despised the most? Read on as Kerry and her son, Palmer, share their journey from a tumultuous mother-son relationship to Palmer’s pursuit of a master’s degree in therapy, specializing in working with teens and families, and their insights on parenting. Learn how saying “yes” to life can help you find your purpose, and how honoring your child’s journey can build a foundation for a positive relationship.