Why It’s So Important to do! Family Dinners

I hope you guys had a great 4th of July! šŸŽ† I’ll be honest it’s weird being an adult and being worried about the risks of setting off a sparkler when I spent most my 4ths as a teenager being chased by the police for blowing things up…how the times have chagned. This is a different topic, but […]

5 Ways to Connect with Your Teen

Palmer here… What an experience it is to have and be a teenager… I sometimes dream about soaking in the highs and lows that will come with having a teen one day and then think about what I put my mom through and get a little terrified because I was not great. šŸ˜… Two things […]

Great Summers Donā€™t Happen By Accident

You get me againā€¦Palmer here šŸ™‚ I hope youā€™re having a wonderful weekend and enjoying the summer sunshine šŸ˜Šā˜€ I see something funny (and not surprising) happen with almost all my clients when summer rolls around each year, whether they are tweens or in their early 20ā€™s. Things get chaotic. One week theyā€™re busy at […]

Sending Love: A Simple Act with Lasting Impact šŸ’•

Palmer here! I just ran across one of countless notes that my mom tucked under my pillow or into my backpack on some random day when I was in high school. Just recently, a good friend told me how each week, he writes three letters to different people in his life, telling each what he appreciates […]

From all us kidsā€¦mom, we wouldn’t be here without you šŸ¤

Palmer here! šŸ˜Š In case it hasnā€™t been said yet Happy Motherā€™s Day to you!  If you arenā€™t a mom here is a reminder to love on the moms you know. I know that not everyoneā€™s mom is here to love on so I want to acknowledge how hard that can be. Itā€™s something my wife […]

Happy Sunday you wonderful human!

Happy Sunday, you wonderful human!Palmer here! Iā€™m writing this at 3am because jet lag is not taking it easy on me šŸ˜… and I canā€™t get this one thought out of my head. You may know but my mom and I, along with our spouses, were just in Japan to speak at the International Family […]

How much is too much?

Itā€™s Palmer here! I want us to chat about a topic that impacts all our lives for better and for worse. Itā€™s one that if you are anything like me and just about every person I know, could use some more intentionalityā€¦Itā€™s SCREEN TIME. šŸ“±šŸ˜… Itā€™s not just a topic for teens but one for […]

Monkey see, monkey do

Palmer here! Monkey see monkey doā€¦ My wife and I are on a flight headed to see her family down in Florida. We were up at 3am for our flight so I got a solid 2 or 3 hours of sleepā€¦off to a hot start. šŸ˜† Itā€™s spring break season, so the plane is full […]

Getting the ratio right with your kids

Palmer here!Ā  He’s got him wide open!!! Fans are on their feet!! He launches it down the field, the clock hits zero! HE CAUGHT IT!!!! They won the super bowl!!!! šŸŽ‰ I wonā€™t say who Iā€™m rooting for but I am pumped for the game today. šŸˆ If you arenā€™t a football fan donā€™t worry, […]

ā€œPrepareā€ instead of ā€œprotectā€

Palmer here!  I was recently talking with a parent of one of my teen clients who asked, ā€œHow do I know if my son will turn out OK and make good decisions when heā€™s an adult?ā€  The trick is to remember that you are raising future adults, not kids. Yes, you want them to go out into […]