How to Stop Having the Same Argument

Do you find yourself having the same frustrating arguments with your kid or partner over and over? You know, the ones where you feel hurt or worried… something tender… but somehow spirals into defensiveness and anger on both sides. These repetitive fights remind me of long childhood bus rides. We’d belt out “100 Bottles of […]

Protect Your Peace

I was inspired by an article by motivational speaker and former NFL player Trent Shelton about how to protect our peace in a noisy world. He asserts that “protecting our peace isn’t a catch phrase but a lifeline in a world filled with noise and endless demands.” As I do with almost everything, I read his tips […]

Being vs Doing: A Letter to My Younger Self

Kerry here! 😊 Walking through Hobby Lobby with my nine-day old baby in my arms, I was intent on getting supplies to make my dad a really cool sweatshirt for Father’s Day, which was just five weeks after my third son was born. A woman in the store heard my baby’s little newborn sounds and […]

I have been a thousand different women

Kerry here. Happy New Year! So long 2024, hello 2025! love the process of filling out the Year Compass, a free download where you reflect on the past year and look forward to the new year. It’s a cool process and lends itself to great introspection and conversations with loved ones. I’ve shared the link in case […]

A Simple Trick for Staying Calm During Holiday Family Time

Kerry here. 🙂 The holiday season brings extended family time, which can spark both joy and stress. With kids out of school and celebrations ahead, these mixed emotions are perfectly normal. Here’s a strategy for staying calm during challenging family moments: When my son Palmer was 15, his morning grumpiness would often affect our entire […]

When Saying “No” Means Saying “Yes” to What Matters Most

Three weeks ago, Palmer and I traveled to Columbus to present at a conference about teen mental health. After a long day of travel, we were finally in our hotel room. I was ready for a fun dinner out, but he was stressed and needed space. Palmer faced a choice: he could either push through […]

Oh, Honey

Kerry here! The Sunday before Thanksgiving: it is game-on for moms. “Dreaded December” and “May Madness” – two months that I both loved and dreaded when my kids were home. I loved them for the fun and magic I created, but they were also the most stressful. Why? Because we moms bend over backwards to […]

Beyond Comfort Zones: Building Kid Resilience

here sat my stepson during our visit to his university in Oregon, eager to get back on the river. We’d spent the previous day freezing in cold air and colder water, but he was ready for more. Now here my partner and I were, the next morning, warm and cozy in our RV on a […]

What 55 frantic passengers taught me about parenting

Last week, I was on a flight where chaos led to an “I wish I would have known” moment. There was a group of 55 non-English speaking passengers with a tight connection. Just as we were landing, the flight attendant asked everyone who didn’t have a tight connection to stay seated so this group could get […]

Are you bringing out the best in your kid?

“If you were living your best version of yourself, what would that look like? And what kind of support would be helpful?” Every time I ask a parent what they want for their kid, they are very clear about the attributes and values they hope to instill. The list usually starts along the lines of […]