Join us for this free parenting class

Bridging the Gap

A Mother and Son Share How to Keep Your Teens Talking To You.


Meet Your Class Hosts

Kerry and Palmer have nearly 30 years of combined experience working with parents, families, and teens in a professional capacity.

They are also a mother-son duo who’ve experienced the same heartache, fighting, disconnection and thousands of tears shed (mostly by me… Kerry) that you may be experiencing as you navigate parenting your tween or teen.  

Kerry Stutzman, LMFT/MSW

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Parentologist, Parent Coach for 25+ years. Survivor of raising 5 boys and 1 girl.

Palmer Skudneski, LCMFT

Teen Vision Coach and Northwestern University Masters in Family Therapy Graduate Candidate. Recovered limits tester and rule-breaker. 

Grow in Connection with Your Family This Year

Leave this session with clarity and vision for your family. There are no perfect people or perfect families, but you CAN feel good about the messy, loving, imperfect family you have worked hard to create.

60 Minute Lesson

Learn how to create the family that inspires you with Kerry and Palmer

Personal Growth Exercises

Receive exercises to help you feel grounded as a parent and put what you're learning into action.

Live Q&A

Get your questions answered by Kerry and Palmer and hear from other parents in a similar season. 

There’s another side to those slamming doors and silent treatments

A sampling of reactions from people who attended a recent presentation where Kerry and Palmer shared stories from their journey through the teen years.

Get a Sneak Peek Into Our Parent Coaching Group

See if the Parent Coaching Group is a good fit for you by taking this class! You will get a feel for the lessons, structure and impact of our Parent Coaching Group – no strings attached!

Our mission is to give you the tools and support you need in building a close, connected family that your kids want to come home to.